Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Iphone 4g!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  then came the iphone 3g  next came the iphone 3gs  . Then BOOM!!!!!!!!! the iphone 4g poped out  The best of them all but you got to pay a good price for a phone like this. A whopping 199.00 is the price to pay ,But this phone also has flaws. One flaw is that is you put it in your left had your signal will go down and drop calls. But one day a man calls and says his iphone 4g sets on fire in his house because of a few bugs. But i still recomend the iphone 4g.
There was the Iphone

SILLY BANDZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Theres a new trend better than the mercades benz. Silly bandz is the new style of 2010 only the coolest people are wearing them. Silly Bandz , You can`t go any where with out seeing these silicon bandz. They are found mostly every where at your local store, gas station , Walgreens( imatators ). These bandz are so cool even celebrities are wearing them    
 in this picture you can see Hayley Williams from PARAMORE rockin those silly bandz using the black car, green car , and pink dolphin.

 and here you see Sarah Jessica Parker wearing them meaning adults can wear silly bandz but just gotta look good doing it. Also Mary kay and Ashley olsen like this silly sensation too. And now they have Silly Necklaces what else will they come up with silly condoms. 

Mel Gibson

We all no him we all love/hate him . Who is it Mel gibson the phone internet sensation . http://www.google.com/url?url=http://www.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DKI62aySbhyA&rct=j&sa=X&ei=GmJFTKDVBIH6lwf6lKiTBQ&ved=0CCsQuAIwBA&q=mel+gibson+on+the+phone&usg=AFQjCNHUruUO9la1ZydR_gepYN1z-x3lCg in this youtube video you can hear Mel talking to his ex-Girlfriend  poor
Oksana Grigorieva putting up with Mel ya no Mel should just get the point that he is ruining his carrier by doing this and to the point the even Goerge Lopez is talkin about you on his show . Your sorry Mel and you need to get your act sraight.